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Strength training can be intimidating for beginners as it can be hard to know where to start your strength training. There are numerous exercises you can do to work on different muscles in your body. Of course, there are some safety concerns that you need to be aware of. However, it doesn’t have to be so tough, here are the 5 best strength training workouts to get you started and help you to begin crafting a routine that’s targeted toward achieving your personal fitness goals.
Benefits of Strength Training
No matter, whether you’re a fitness beginner, rookie, or pro, strength training should be a key component of your workouts. With that said here are some significant benefits of strength training:
- Strength training helps you to burn more fat that helps your muscles to more metabolically active.
- Strength training helps you to build strong muscles means you also have strong, supporting bones and connective tissue that help your body to withstand more stress.
- Studies show that strength training can enhance heart health, reduce blood pressure, bone health, lower cholesterol, improve sleep, reduce low back pain, and ease symptoms of arthritis.
- Strength training can release feel-good hormone endorphins to reduce anxiety and even help to fight depression.
- Anytime you master something, automatically your confidence grows – the same way when you master strength training it’ll boost your confidence.
- Squats – The best way to strengthen your Legs
Squats are the best strength training workout for beginners as squats not only work on your legs but your core and upper body too. Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than your hips while your feet facing frontward and look straight ahead with both your arms out in front of your body with your abs tight, chest out, shoulders back, and gradually lower your butt down as much as you can. Also, make sure your knees don’t push frontward past your toes. Put your body weight in your heels, instead of your toes. Return back to the beginning position, without rounding your back as you stand up. Repeat this for 15-20 reps. To spice up things, you can add a dumbbell at each side or heart centre. Also, you can use a stability ball to experiment with sumo squats or incorporate lunges.
- Push-ups
There are wide varieties of push-up workouts to meet any beginner at their comfort level. Begin in a plank position with both your arms stretched, and then lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor. Keep your body in a straight line, with elbows nearby your sides, and then push yourself up. Do as many reps as possible.
- Plank
Most of us hate Plank, but Plank workouts accelerate strength throughout your body, no matter, whether you do them from your hands, forearms, or sides. Come to a push-up position while your arms stay apart in shoulder-width distance. Hug your belly in the direction of your spine to engross your core. Heap your shoulders over your wrists and your heels over your ankles. Hold in that position for 30 seconds, and repeat them up to a few minutes. If you can master this workout, you’ll have a strong and stable core that will keep you injury-free and ready for more challenging workouts.
- Deadlifts
Deadlifts, either single-leg deadlifts or standing position deadlifts help you keep your hips, lower back, knees, and ankles strong and stable. They also let you increase your body strength for heavier lower-body lifts in the future.
- Rows
Most of the people sit at a desk for their work, and our back muscles weaken as we sit longer and hunch over our computers. Therefore doing row workouts like cable row bent over, and body weight will give you better body posture and prevent shoulder and upper back tightness.
General fitness guidelines recommend adults should do strength training two times a week at a moderate to high intensity for better health benefits. Of course, strength training is important, but don’t forget about your cardiovascular endurance workouts, and the workouts for increasing your flexibility with stretch, coordination, speed, agility, and balance. Plus, get your Protein supplementation they are important too!
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